The Commit Partnership

Data Dashboard

School Board Goal Setting Data Resources

As a School Board trustee, you have a lot on your plate right now.

You also likely already know about the goal-setting requirements in House Bill 3 passed last Texas legislative session. (To review all requirements, please see this helpful FAQ from TEA.) In order to help lighten your load and set ambitious, data-driven goals, Commit has developed the tools below.

This site will support you in reviewing historical data, setting draft goals, and submitting your goal data to TEA. It will even help with the complicated calculus of how to raise overall achievement, close equity gaps, and even automatically disaggregate your data to the campus-level. If done correctly, you can submit your work from this site directly to TEA, fulfilling your goal-setting requirement.

While this site should be of great help to you in your goal-setting process, Commit also highly recommends that you utilize a TEA-Certified Board Coach.

Goal-setting is a complicated process that requires strong coordination between school boards, superintendents, and the school administration. To help clarify the process and roles, Commit created the infographic to the left. We hope you will download and use this image as a road map through your goal-setting process.

Ready to get started? Check out the Overview Video to the left, and then scroll down to Step 1!

Step 1:

Download the Directions Doc & Data Template

The Directions Doc and the Data Template will walk you through how to use the site. In order to set your goals, you will enter your data into the Data Template. You will repeat the process 3 times total, once for each metric (3rd Grade Reading, 3rd Grade Math, and College, Career, and Military Readiness). At the end of the process, the Data Template will contain the necessary district-level, and if desired, campus-level, data required to submit to TEA.

Please download both documents to get started.

Step 2:

Equity Data Dive

In order to truly understand what is possible and equitable for your district, you first have to see where you have been.

Using this tool, you will be able to see how each of your district's sub-populations have preformed and grown over the last 5 years. You will also be able to see how gaps have decreased (or increased) between those subpopulations.

Please now turn to Step 2 of your Directions Doc and Data Template, which will walk you through how to best utilize the dashboard.

Step 3:

Peer Comparison Data Dashboard

We want to ensure that all districts are able to set ambitious, but achievable goals for their kids. This tool allows you to see what has been possible at districts just like yours over a 5 year period.

Please now turn to Step 3 of your Directions Doc and Data Template, which will walk you through how to best utilize the dashboard.

Step 4:

Drafting Your Goals

You will now use the data and context you gathered in the previous step to draft ambitious, attainable goals for your district.

Using all of the data you just gathered, follow the Directions Doc to draft your goals in your Data Template.

Step 5:

Calculating Your District & Campus Goals

In this step, you will use your District-level Goal to calculate draft goals for all of your campuses.

Select your filters, and then enter your District Goal and Gap Closure Goal into the tool on the right. The data will automatically populate a preview. Click the Download button to create an exportable report for all of your campuses.

If you have any issues or question, please reach out to directly.

What's Next

We've set our district goals!

Finish the Process

The HB3 Board Goal Setting requirement has additional steps, such as Progress Measures and a Monitoring Calendar. Some of these requirements have been modified due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please check the resources TEA has published to make sure you are in compliance:

Board Goal Setting Basics

TEA FAQs for Board Members (Updated)

Goal-Setting Specific FAQ and TEA Presentation

HB3 in 30


I Need Assistance

Get Help with the Site

If you have any additional questions or need help with the site, please reach out directly to with the subject line "Board Goals."

Not sure where to go next?

Fill out the form below and we will connect you to the resources that would be most helpful to your district in being able to set, impliment, and achieve your goals.

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How were these numbers calculated?

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