Analysis by legislative district

House Bill 3 Implementation

In 2019, the 86th Texas Legislature passed House Bill 3 that allocates over $6.5 billion additional dollars in funding for public education. This page compiles the data on the various programs funded under HB 3 to give legislators and advocates the information they need to make decisions for students.

HB 3 Implementation Across Legislative Districts

Which school systems are implementing the Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA)? Who is exploring Additional Days School Year (ADSY) in a given legislative district? How well are districts doing earning CCMR Outcomes Bonus Funding?

These maps will help you identify which districts are implementing or interested in a number of different HB3 programs across the state. Additionally, it highlights which school systems are supported by the Texas Impact Network (TIN), a joint venture of Commit and Educate Texas, as well as tracking outcomes.
Information for this dashboard comes from
TIA TEA Letter of Intent submission,, public information requests, Summary of Finances, survey by TEA and TIN, participation in ADSY Planning & Execution Program, and information communicated to TIN.

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Analysis by legislative district

House Bill 3 Implementation

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