
Commit! Team Welcomes Taylor Toynes, South Oak Cliff Community Impact Associate

May 18, 2016

The Commit! team is excited to announce the addition of Taylor Toynes to fill the role of Community Impact Associate. In this position, Taylor will be focused on building lasting strategies to improve early childhood outcomes in Dallas’ South Oak Cliff community through neighborhood and family engagement.

A native of South Oak Cliff, Taylor brings a deeply personal commitment to the students and families in the community where he was born and raised. He has served as a 4th grade teacher at W.W. Bushman Elementary School and as the Urban Specialist at Sarah A. Zumwalt Middle School, while also organizing the “For Oak Cliff” back-to-school festival last August.

“It has been my mission to improve education for students and families in Oak Cliff,” says Taylor. “I look forward to serving as the Community Impact Associate with Commit! in the community that I was born and raised in. In order for us to make real strides in educational equity we have to start with early childhood. I am fired up and ready to work with everyone this upcoming year.”

Taylor’s position is made possible with the support of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and will build upon the ongoing work of school district, nonprofit, and community-based organizations in South Oak Cliff, where a collective impact approach has already started to yield results for the community’s youngest learners.

If you’d like to connect with Taylor, he can be reached via email at
