As of Nov. 7th, the future of education across our state gleams brighter. Texas voters united together to vote "FOR" public school students by focusing on imperative ballot initiatives, and students are the true winners. Dallas County school districts Duncanville, Lancaster, Cedar Hill, are among those who will benefit from their communities’ support.
In Duncanville, $170 million in bond funding will be invested in expanding career and technical education for high school students. Enhancing these programs will ensure that high school seniors are on track to obtain a postsecondary degree or certification, making them more likely to earn a livable wage. This bond funding will also fund vital maintenance updates and safety and security requirements.
The approval of a new tax rate by the Lancaster ISD community enables the district to leverage the success of its educators and address the challenges posed by inflation through enhanced compensation. With a focus on ensuring ongoing improvement in student achievement, the newly approved tax rate will play a pivotal role in boosting teacher recruitment and retention by providing competitive salaries. This approach supports the district's commitment to maintaining financial excellence.
The success of voter-approved tax rate elections extends into Cedar Hill ISD as the district continues to push for student growth, rewarding its educators with raises. Not only will the passing of VATRE provide Cedar Hill the resources to increase teacher and staff pay, but also hire nine additional security guards to meet state obligations.
Each of these districts and more across Texas made the case for increased public investment, and their communities overwhelmingly supported them. School districts, educational leaders, and voters continue to put students first – promoting academic success today and economic mobility tomorrow.