Our Generous Investors
Formed in 2012, Commit is a partnership of 200+ organizations across Dallas County who are working together to use data and their collective expertise to substantially improve the levels of college and career readiness across our region.
Interested in joining this growing community committed to our kids?
Invest Today- Abell-Hanger Foundation
- Accelerate
- Jim and Kathy Adams*
- Addy Foundation / Lydia and William Addy
- Elaine Agather
- Jude Ahmad
- AKA Enterprise Solutions
- Alliance Data
- Amazon Smile Foundation
- American Honda Foundation
- Chuck and Kim Anderson
- Annie E. Casey Foundation
- Anonymous*
- Dominique A Anthony
- Patricia Arvanitis
- Ashford Hospitality Advisors
- Sharmin Ashtaputre
- AT&T Foundation
- Austin Community Foundation
- Bob Axley
- Jesseca Aziz
- Ralph and Barbara Babb
- Anna Backes
- Karan Bahl
- Amy Balis
- Steve Bancroft*
- Bank of America Foundation
- Bank of America Private Bank
- Kim Bannister
- Amelia Barber
- Barker Family Fund
- Margaret Camille Barnes
- Ken and Carolyn Barth
- BBVA Compass
- Ryan Behring
- Rick and Allison Benners
- Ben Bennett
- Gayle Bennett
- Laura and Eric Berlin
- Bezos Family Foundation
- Big Thought
- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- Lucy and Henry Billingsley*
- Audrey Bines
- Blackbaud Giving Fund
- Bloomberg Philanthropies
- Blue Meridian Partners*
- Blue Wave Express Car Wash
- Mike Boone
- Boone Family Foundation*
- Boston Consulting Group
- Camila Correa Bourdeau
- Brackets for Good
- Shelley Bransten
- Bennie Bray
- David Brewer
- Brinker International
- Bruce Brinkley
- Peter Brodsky
- Alicia Brossette
- Dennis Brown
- Brown Foundation Inc
- Peter Brundage
- Kevin and Deni Bryant
- Ryan and Hannah Buchanan
- Ryan & Kristine Burke*
- Katrei Burks
- Kim Burns
- Brett Burton
- Frank Byers Jr
- Byrne Family Foundation*
- Taylor Campbell
- Canyon Partners LLC*
- Capital For Kids
- Capital One
- Carl B. and Florence E. King Foundation
- Caroline Le Feuvre & Jeffrey Shadix Giving Fund
- Jim and Robin Carreker
- Don Carroll
- Shea Castleman
- Celanese
- Eunice Cervantes
- Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Philanthropies
- Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
- Chesapeake Energy Charitable Giving
- ChildCareGroup
- Kim Chi Le
- Citibank Foundation
- Ellen Clark
- Gregory and Carol Cody
- Edward Coligado
- College Football Playoff Foundation
- Comerica Charitable Foundation
- Communities Foundation of Texas*
- Michele Condrey
- Terry Conner
- David Corrigan
- Katie Cotton
- Harlan and Kathy Crow
- Trammell S. Crow
- Crow Holdings
- Buzz and Carolyn Crutcher
- Cullen Foundation
- Larry Dale
- Dallas Bar Association
- Dallas Citizens Council
- Dallas College Foundation
- Dallas Foundation
- Dallas ISD
- Dallas Regional Chamber
- Dallas Social Venture Partners
- Dallas Surety Association
- Michael and Jill Dardick
- David B. Miller Family Foundation
- David M. Munson and Mona Campbell Munson Fund
- Giles Davidson
- Bonnie Davis
- Emily Dean
- Dean Foods
- David Deggs
- Kimberly Delinski
- David Deniger
- Charron Denker
- Nancy Dennis
- Scott and Melissa Dennis
- Tony Dona
- Suzanne Droese
- DTLR, Inc.
- Tom Dunning
- Durham Family Foundation
- Anna Dyer
- Richard Eans
- Edelman
- Edna McConnell Clark Foundation
- Educate Midland
- Educate Texas
- Eduphoric LLC
- Edward W. Rose III Family Fund
- Morgan Edwards
- Ehrman Family Fund
- Elizabeth and Henry (Peter) Beck Fund
- Jeffrey Ellerman
- Embrey Family Foundation
- Deborah Emerson
- Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration
- Ethan Epstein
- Ernst & Young, LLP
- Esping Family Foundation
- Sandra Estess
- Eugene McDermott Foundation
- Brooke Evans
- ExxonMobil Foundation
- Fannie & Stephen Kahn Charitable Foundation
- Elizabeth Farmer
- Federal Reserve of Dallas
- Jonathan Feinstein and Morgan Bellinger
- Martin Feinstein
- Tom Ferguson
- Kenny Fernandez
- Nikita Fisher
- Christie Flanagan
- Tara Flume
- Fluor Foundation
- Randall Fojtasek
- Steve and Sharon Folsom
- Fortress Investment Group
- Douglas Foshee
- Fossil Group
- Dylan Foster
- William Francis
- FSG, Inc.
- FW Murphy Family Foundation*
- Michael Gagne
- Ann Marie Gan
- Gary Community Investments
- General Electric Foundation
- George and Fay Young Foundation
- Gibson Energy
- Eric and Jaime Goff
- Goldman Sachs
- Good Reason Houston
- Susan Goodiel
- Greater Texas Foundation
- Breanna Green
- Dolores Sosa Green
- Greenhill School
- Rose Greer
- James and Robin Grisham
- Grisham Family
- Jacqueline Guevel
- H.E.B.
- Ron Hadley
- Mary Hager
- Hamon Foundation
- Scott Hancock
- The Hardie Family Fund of the Dallas Foundation
- Harold Simmons Foundation
- Emily Harris
- Harry W. Bass, Jr. Foundation
- Haynes and Boone Foundation
- Dan and Betsy Healy*
- Tricia Heaney
- Heart of Dallas
- Jay and Pilar Henry*
- John A. Henry III
- Henry C. Beck III Fund of The Dallas Foundation
- Hickock Family Donor Advised Fund
- High Profile Staffing Services
- Highland Capital Management, LP
- Highland Park United Methodist Church*
- Hillcrest Foundation
- Jennifer Hills
- Brad and Margaret Hirsch
- Hirsch Family Foundation*
- Hoak Foundation
- Hoblitzelle Foundation
- Hockaday School
- Marguerite Hoffman and Tom Lentz
- Hoglund Foundation
- Holdsworth Center
- Dan and Martha Hooper
- Regen Horchow
- The Horchow Family
- Kaitlyn Horinko
- Brooke Hortenstine
- Chris Hudgens
- Human Capital Percentage
- Kimberly Humphries
- Subrena Hurd
- Jamie Hurtado
- IBC Bank
- IBM Corporation
- Insperity
- Irving ISD
- Istation
- Caleb Jackson
- Kylonnie Jackson
- Lyle Jackson
- Anurag Jain
- Katrina James
- JCI Creatives
- Patrick Jenevein
- Sarah and Matt Jensen
- John and Pamela Beckert Family Foundation
- Whitcomb Johnstone
- Brandi Jones
- Chantel Jones
- Rod Jones and Nancy Perot
- JPMorgan Chase Foundation
- Kahn Education Foundation
- Bob Kaminski
- Robert Kaplan*
- Michelle Kinder
- Ashwina Kirpalani
- Knowledgeworks Foundation
- Josh Knutson
- Jim and Candace Krause
- Alison Kreher
- Mike Lafitte
- Eleanor Latimer
- Leadership for Educational Equity
- Catherine Leblanc
- Ryanne Legrand
- Leland Fikes Foundation
- Todd Lemkin*
- Liberty Mutual Foundation
- Lincoln Property Company
- Lucy Liu
- Amelia Lively
- Living Cities
- Lockheed Martin
- James Loomstein
- Jack Lowe
- Lowe's
- Lululemon
- Lumina Foundation
- Lyda Hill Philanthropies*
- Bobby Lyle
- M.B. and Edna Zale Foundation
- M.R. and Evelyn Hudson Foundation*
- Macy's
- Chris Mahowald
- Kevin Malonson
- Mankoff Family Foundation
- Lucretia Manners
- Tori Mannes
- Mark and Rachel Rohr Foundation
- Marketwave
- Ashla Martin DDS
- Matejek Family Foundation
- Jen Mauldin
- Abby Mayer
- Granville and Page McAnear
- Matthew McCabe
- Murray and Libby McCabe
- Grant McClure
- Madeline and Jim McClure
- Charles McCullough
- Clint McDonnough
- Nora McDougall-Collins
- Kevin & Alicia McGlinchey*
- Tom McKelvey
- Renne McKeon
- Drew & Amy McKnight*
- Iesha McLaughlin
- Casey and Megan McManemin
- Donald & Joan McNamara*
- McNarosa Fund of CFT
- Bart McNeill
- Meadows Foundation
- Melchizedek Fund of CFT
- Andrew Meyer
- Michael and Susan Dell Foundation
- Microsoft
- Mike and Mary Terry Family Foundation
- Mike A. Myers Foundation
- Bill Miller III
- Elizabeth Miller
- Erik Miller*
- Nicholas Miller
- Harvey Mitchell & Linda Helton
- MJD Starfish Foundation
- David Mohar
- Ann Monroe
- Susan Montgomery
- Wytonia Montgomery
- Tim Moore
- Maddie Morgan
- James Moroney
- Jennifer and Jon Mosle
- Erik Moss
- Usamah Muhammad-Rodgers
- Munsch Hardt Kopf & Harr, P.C.
- Bill Murphy
- Ken Murphy
- Alice Murray
- Muse Family Foundation
- Sarah Mye
- Christie Myers
- NAACP Dallas
- Hilary Nail
- National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity STEM Equity Pipeline
- National Christian Foundation North Texas
- National College Access Network
- Joe Neal
- Robert Neely
- Network for Good
- New Name Mission Society International Inc. (NNMSII)
- Alfreda Norman
- North Texas Community Foundation
- Oak Cliff Chamber of Commerce
- Samantha O'Brien
- ORIX Foundation
- Scott and Paula Orr
- Overwraps Packaging
- Kelly Parker
- Dalphine Parrish
- Jeffrey Partyka
- Patsy and Michael Hochman Charitable Foundation
- PayPal Charitable Giving Fund
- Bill & Wendy Payne*
- Margot Perot
- Perot Foundation
- Zachary and Rebecca Petrone
- Jon Pettee
- Philanthropy Advocates
- Tommy Pigeon
- Pitney Bowes Foundation
- Victoria Plummer
- PNC Foundation
- Ann Podeszwa
- PolicyLink
- Richard and Karen Pollock
- POM Wonderful
- Ann Pomykal
- Karen Ponce
- Amy Prestidge
- Brynn Price
- Sandra Price
- Caren Prothro
- Natalie Pruitt
- J. Pucket
- Tegwin Pulley
- Annie Pyryt
- Rainwater Charitable Foundation
- Raise Your Hand Texas
- Kathleen Randall
- Matthew Randazzo
- Courtney Ranger
- Carolyn Rathjen
- Stuart and Terri Ravnik
- Micki & Mike Rawlings*
- Anne & Robert Raymond*
- Real Estate Council
- Rees-Jones Foundation
- Eric Reeves
- Jennie Reeves
- Justin & Kathryn Reeves
- Region 10 Education Service Center
- Peggy Reilly
- Rachel Reis
- RGK Foundation
- Richard J. and Victoria T. Agnich Foundation
- Rob Richmond
- Leonard Riggs Jr., M.D.
- Riggs Family Foundation
- Karen Riley
- Kirk & Jane Rimer*
- Philip Ritter
- Regina Rivera
- Robert and Nancy Dedman Foundation
- Rocchio Family Foundation
- Kevin Rodriguez
- Christine Rogers
- Nancy and Steve Rogers
- Danielle Rohr
- Michael Ronzio
- Sally Rosenberg
- Nathaniel Rosenblum
- Rosewood Foundation
- Royce West Campaign Committee
- RSF Partners
- Melanie Rudebeck
- Nadia Rupani
- LeDee Sachs
- Safeway Foundation
- Sammons Corporation
- Tehina Santillan
- Sallie Scanlan
- Scharbauer Foundation
- Neil Schlager
- Kenneth Schnitzer
- Brandon Scott
- Stewart and LaToya Scott
- Scovell Family Foundation
- Sealark Foundation*
- Seattle Foundation
- Troy Shadian
- Denny Shelton
- Sid W. Richardson Foundation
- Mark and Maria Sieckman
- Signazon.com
- Mike and Mary Silverman
- C Silverthorn
- Alex Simmons
- Marc Simpson
- Nicole and Justin Small
- Chanel Smith
- Tabitha Smith
- SMU – Preschool Project
- SMU – The Budd Center
- Spark Farm
- Sprint
- State Fair of Texas
- State Farm Companies Foundation
- Ron Steinhart
- Bruce Stensrud
- Terry Stewart
- Dhriti Stocks
- Grey Stogner
- Andrew Stoner
- Veronica Storey
- StriveTogether
- Paul Styrvoky
- Symphonic Source
- George and Charmaine Tang
- Target Foundation
- Teach for America DFW
- Gayla Tennison
- Jason Terrell
- Texas Association for the Education of Young Children
- Texas Education Agency
- Texas Instruments Foundation
- Texas PTA
- Texas Women's Foundation
- LaKisha Thomas
- Courtney Thompson
- Dr. Josh Thompson
- Monty Thornburn
- Jody & Terry Thornton*
- Todd and Abby Williams Family Foundation
- Thomas Toss
- Judy Townley
- Kennedy Toynes
- Ken Travis
- Patrick and Dawne Tribolet
- TriGate Capital
- Trinity Church
- Trinity Review Services, Inc.
- Tulsa Community Foundation
- United Way of Metropolitan Dallas
- United Way of the Midlands
- United Way Worldwide
- UT Dallas
- Venturity Financial Partners
- Paul Vogel
- Paula Vonarx
- W. C. Payne Foundation*
- W.K. Kellogg Foundation
- W.W. Caruth, Jr. Foundation
- Melody Walker
- David and Harianne Wallenstein
- Walmart Foundation
- Robert Walters
- Walton Family Foundation
- Ashley Ward
- Charlya Ward
- Liz Ward
- Annie Clayton Ware
- Kim Wargo
- Ray Washburne
- Leighton Watts
- Weaver
- Sarah Weinberg
- Wells Fargo Foundation
- Terri Sue and Jack Wensinger
- Westmount Foundation
- Dylan Whitehead
- Phillip and Donell Wiggins
- Greg and Peggy Wilkinson
- William T. & Gay F. Solomon Advised Fund
- Kila Williams
- Gean Wilson
- Winn Family Foundation
- Mary Witte
- Nancy Wonders
- Ellen Wood*
- Woodforest National Bank
- Workforce Solutions of Greater Dallas
- Lucy Wrubel
- Jamie Zhou
- Zierk Family Foundation
*Opportunity 2040 Fund Investors