Learning Objectives
Through this academy, participants will learn how to:
- Understand the role of school boards, the role of superintendents, and their role as a trustee in moving the needle for students.
- Use data to identify inequities along lines of race, language, socioeconomic status, and ability.
- Understand how to leverage effective school board governance to close achievement gaps and improve outcomes for all students.
- Be a transparent and effective steward of taxpayer dollars while leveraging the budget approval process to properly resource policies and practices that will improve student outcomes.
- Understand their role in evaluating the superintendent.
- Examine strategies to foster a positive, inclusive, transparent working relationship with their communities.
Course Deliverables
Through this academy, participants will:
- Craft a compelling personal narrative to communicate their “why” to voters.
- Develop their own policy platform to improve student outcomes.
- Create an action plan of next steps, important contacts, and connections for kicking off their campaign.
2025 Session Topics and Dates
Recruiting now for Fall 2025 Academy
Questions? Please email Joey.Rodriguez@CommitPartnership.org