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Celebrating Excellent Educators: Roddrick Jones

Education Is Freedom (EIF) provides college and career advising to students across Dallas County. Roddrick Jones, an EIF adviser at South Garland High School in Garland ISD, exemplifies the transformative impact this [...]
Excellent Educator Graphic

Each month, we highlight educators who have earned the designation of ‘master teacher’ through Texas’ Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA). TIA encourages school districts to locally [...]

Each month, we highlight educators who have earned the designation of ‘master teacher’ through Texas’ Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA). TIA encourages school districts to locally [...]

Each month, we highlight an educator who has earned the designation of ‘master teacher’ through Texas’ Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA). TIA encourages school districts to [...]

Master Teacher Monday is a series highlighting educators who have earned the designation of ‘master teacher’ through Texas’ Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA). TIA encourages school [...]

Each month, we highlight an educator who has earned the designation of ‘Master Teacher’ through Texas’ Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA). TIA encourages school districts to [...]

The Commit Partnership applauds the 117 Texas school systems recently approved by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to implement the Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA), an [...]

Master Teacher Monday is a series highlighting educators who have earned the designation of ‘master teacher’ through Texas’ Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA). TIA encourages school [...]

The hard work, dedication, and planning of so many – including students – is paying off for Dallas ISD. The district made college, career, and [...]

At the beginning of last school year, 46 schools across Dallas ISD implemented the Additional Days School Year (or ADSY), an opportunity to increase instructional [...]

The annual release of the Texas Education Agency’s school ratings provides an opportunity for families, school leaders, and lawmakers to reflect on which educational strategies [...]

Every year, our educators contend with “summer slide,” a trend in which students exhibit a greater mastery of reading and math in the spring upon [...]

“I think educators won this [legislative] session,” reflected state Rep. Ken King, a Republican from Canadian and member of the House Public Education Committee, at [...]